Aidan Windorf Project 2

For my second project, I designed and manufactured a miniature canoe. I formed this design in Fusion, starting from a cylinder body and shaped it into the rough approximation of the watercraft. Initially the design was 10" long, but it was too tall so I scaled it down so that the total height was around 1.7". I performed all cuts using the 1/4" ball bit on the ShopBot; this bit gave me trouble due to a limited depth, I could not cut all the way through the material. What I ended up having to do it leave about 1/2" of material intact and cut it out by hand. This is what created the "rim" effect around the top of the canoe. Due to the thinness of the design I was not able to place dowel holes on the inside, so I placed four in corners around the canoe. 
If I had given myself more time to work on the project I would have added aesthetic choices to the final design: I played around with the idea of 3D printing out paddles or using thin dowels as runners/ seats.
